Training Log

Lauren’s Training Log: September 27th – October 3rd, 2021

Weekly Training Plan and Diet Changes!

All Training Logs HERE

Race Day Countdown: 31 Days. Last minute training has begun. Selling a house and moving derailed me. I’m not proud of it!

Training Plan

Monday, September 27th: Run: 2.2 Miles

Tuesday, September 28th: Other: 20 Min Bike

Wednesday, September 29th: Walk: 3 Miles and chasing the boys at the park. 

Thursday, September 30th: Walk: 4.5 Miles 

Friday, October 1st: Off

Saturday, October 2nd: Other: Lots of Chasing the boys outside. 

Sunday, October 3rd: Off

There were both positives and negatives this week. I talked myself out of night workouts one to many times. My alarm is now set for early mornings all next week. That way I won’t have the ability to say no. It will already be done before my day started. 

I let my diet go crazy this week. With the stress comes more snacking and drinking for me. I am going to cut that all this week. I think I have finally hit the limit of feeling bad and need to get control of my diet. This is especially important so I don’t get sick while moving! 

I am going to also experiment with cutting down on caffeine. Having a small cup of decaf in the morning instead of the two cups of full caffeine that I have fallen into the routine of having. The experiment is to see if cutting caffeine and changing my diet lowers my anxiety levels. I’m starting to think my blood sugar levels and caffeine intake might be causing (or not helping) my anxiety and stress levels. 

Pinterest Workouts HERE

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