Training Log

Lauren’s Training Log: June 7th – June 13th,2021

Last Week’s Training Log

Below you will find my training log. This is my recap of the week. Brief overview of what I did and how I felt.

Monday, June 7th: 4.64 Mile Walk & Treadmill Walk/Run (20 Min – 1.86 Miles). – I felt really strong today! Both run and walk felt easy. I was surprised after a little extra indulging this weekend that I felt refreshed and strong.

Tuesday, June 8th: 2 Mile Walk – Legs felt super heavy and I just felt very tired. Could be the humidity and the drastic change to warmer weather, but I was dragging even to walk.

Wednesday, June 9th: Morning: 1.3 Mile Walk & Treadmill Run/Walk (20min – 2miles). Slept terrible. Legs again feel super heavy. Really hoping at my doctors appointment on Friday they run bloodwork to really figure out what is going on.

Afternoon: Decided to do a quick lift when the kids went to bed. Did Upper Body because I wanted to rest the legs. Used the spin bike for 5 mins to warm up.

Supersets: Bench Press & Shoulder Press, Bicep Curls (wide & regular) & Chest Flyes, Hammer Curls & Overhead Extensions

Thursday, June 10th: 4 Mile Walk

Friday, June 11th: Off – Had my doctors appointment in the morning, after having blood drawn decided to take it easy for the day.

Saturday, June 12th: Treadmill Run/Walk (20min – 2miles) – I felt really strong. I think I am ready to bump up time.

Sunday, June 13th: 5.5 Mile Walk – decided not to do my lower body lift, in hopes I can start next week with fresh legs. Right now the priority in my training is running.

Not related to training, but took a fun trip to the strawberry farm this weekend!

Blood Sugar Update: my fasting levels are still high. I have shifted my diet, but had more “cheat” meals this week/weekend, but that didn’t seem to shift it any higher. Currently, I’m in the… “this makes no sense” stage. Blood work should be back early next week so hopefully that has answers!

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