Training Log

Lauren’s Training Log: July 5th – July 11th, 2021

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Another great week of training. I do have to keep repeating to myself to enjoy the small wins and the slow journey it will all pay off. The slower pace has allowed me to enjoy my runs and my body to slowly adapt to more consistent training. I really am enjoying my training. I can feel endurance growing and can feel myself getting stronger.

I also think I have found my pre and post workout routine. Fueling before and after is so important especially as I start to add in more running and lifting heavier weights. Generation UCAN has been amazing, I am mad at myself for not trying it earlier. It is both helping with my workouts, recovery and most of all keeping my blood sugar levels stable. Loving it!

Monday, July 5th: OFF – After a busy holiday weekend, my body needed a break!

Off Day Smile!

Tuesday, July 6th: Walk: 4 Miles Strength: Lower Body Workout & Run: 1.5 Miles – 15 Min HIIT (30Sec Run/30Sec Jog) + 4 Driveway Hill Sprints & Pelvic Floor Abs

Wednesday, July 7th: Strength: Upper Body Workout & Run: 2 Mile Jog (HR Under 150) – No Walking!

Thursday, July 8th: Run: 4 Mile Jog (HR Under 150) – No Walking!

From Hill Sprints on Tuesday!

Friday, July 9th: Walk: 4.5 Miles

Saturday, July 10th: Run: 6 Miles (Ran first 3 miles, walk ran the last 3 miles). (Click HERE for Pre & Post Fuel)

Sunday, July 11th: Strength: Full Body TRX Workout & Pelvic Floor Abs & Walk: 2 Miles

TOTAL : Run: 13.5 Miles – Walk: 10.5 Miles

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