Training Log

Lauren’s Training Log: February 20th – February 27th, 2022

Finally back at it. It’s been a while. I have been on and off exercising, but haven’t been that dedicated or consistent. Letting life get the best of me. On to bigger and better things. I owe it to myself to get back on track with fitness and nutrition. I’m going to ease in again, if I go all in I always fail. Trying to make small daily changes to see if the slow approach will work better. 

Saturday, February 19th:

Benchmark Run. 2 Min Warm-Up/5 Min Run/2 Min Cool-Down 

*felt pretty strong and easy. I kept it simple and just did the benchmark run. I am going to do my best to follow the plan exactly as presented and ease back into running.

Sunday, February 20th: Off

Monday, February 21st: 

Walk: 2 Mile Walk

Run: Cadence Drill Workout. 10 Min Run/Cadence Work (2x30sec)/10 Min Run 

*I have never done Cadence Drills before, it was interesting and informative to have the real time information on my Garmin. I’m excited to see improvements going forward and to see if there is an impact on my running. 

Tuesday, February 22nd: Walked around Disney for the day

Wednesday, February 23rd: Walked around Disney for the day

Thursday, February 24th: 

Walk: Morning Walk 3 Miles. 

Run: Cadence Drill Workout. 10 Min Run/Cadence Work (2x30sec)/10 Min Run 

*I already felt improvements with the cadence drills. I need to learn more about the mechanics of the drills but overall I’m enjoying adding something new in. 

Friday, February 26th: 

Walk: 3 Mile Morning Walk. 

*I let the kids eat breakfast in the stroller this morning. Might make this happen more often. We all enjoyed it. 

Saturday, February 27th:

200 Meter Fun Run with the kids. Plus chasing them around the open field for an hour.

Sunday, February 28th: 

Walk: 3 Mile Morning Walk

Run: 10 Min Run/0.5Mile Faster (Tempo)/10 Min Run

*The runs are feeling a little stronger each time. Now need to keep consistent!

I have been letting stress and uncertainty win a lot the last few weeks. I need to start putting my health and fitness first and keep faith that everything will fall into place. Struggling with all the uncertainty is taking it’s toll and I need to change some habits to make sure I’m keeping my health up during this time. 

Keeping with my Garmin Coach plan moving forward, easing back in without any thought to actual workouts (the power of letting someone else plan your workouts!) 

Going to try and add in some strength training next week. I am also going to try my best to dial in my nutrition (it’s been out of control. Stress eating has been wild!). 

I’m holding myself to these write ups, making it a habit to update nightly. These training logs keep me more consistent. 

Previous Training Logs HERE.
Pinterest Workouts HERE

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