Training Log

Lauren’s Training Log: August 9th – August 15th, 2021

Last Week Training Log

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After a week back on track I thought I would fly into this week extra ready and hit the ground running. That didn’t happen. However I think for good reason. The husband was away for the week and my mom came to visit and help with the kids. We took a spontaneous five hour car trip to visit family. It was perfect to just live in the moment and know that my training has been strong and consistent and this one week wouldn’t make or break me. 

We stayed active with yard work, walks and running around the yard with the kids. 

Overall it was a great week. I am excited and ready to get back to healthy eating, and an exercise routine next week! 

Monday, August 9th: Walk: 3.5 Miles

Training Plan - Playing at the Park

Tuesday, August 10th: Walk: Long walk around the zoo.

Training Plan - Walk at the Zoo

Wednesday, August 11th: Drove 5 Hours. Chased around the kiddos at the lake. 

Training Plan - Playing at the Lake

Thursday, August 12th: Walk: Long walk in the canal near Cape Cod

Friday, August 13th: Drove 5 Hours Home. 

Saturday, August 14th: Walk: 4 Miles at the Canal trail & Chased the kids around the yard

Sunday, August 15th: Off. Took the night to hydrate and recover.

Spending Sunday night drinking lots of water and eating a healthy meal to prepare for a good week of training! 

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