Training Log

Lauren’s Training Log: April 25th – May 1st, 2022

Best Self Challenge Week 4

April 25th, 2022

  • 80 Ounces of water. Check! 
  • Run at least one mile. Check! 
Best Self Challenge Week 4

Run felt really strong again. The shorter runs are starting to feel very easy now, which is welcomed. Feeling your body get back into shape for the first time in a very long time is a great feeling. Keeping this week easy to let my body recover a little. My Garmin watch is showing that my body isn’t fully recovering. I don’t fully trust the data, but I do know that stress is high and sleep is low, taking it easy is probably smart this week!

April 26th, 2022

  • 80 Ounces of water. Check! 
  • Run at least one mile. Check! 
Best Self Challenge Week 4

Morning run today! Felt good. The legs are a little sore, and breathing was a little rough, but overall I still felt good. My headphones died in the first tenth of a mile. I should probably try and do more runs without music or a podcast, because that was a struggle!

April 27th, 2022

  • 80 Ounces of water. Check! 
  • Run at least one mile. Check! 
Best Self Challenge Week 4

Spending the day at Disney, so got a quick mile in before we headed out! Keep it short and slow because I knew we would be doing a lot of walking, and chasing kiddos!

April 28th, 2022

  • 80 Ounces of water. Check! 
  • Run at least one mile. Check! 
Best Self Challenge Week 4

April 29th, 2022

  • 80 Ounces of water. Check! 
  • Run at least one mile. Check! 
Best Self Challenge Week 4

April 30th, 2022

  • 80 Ounces of water. Check! 
  • Run at least one mile. Check! 

Legs felt tired today, I am glad I decided to keep this week on the lighter side. Keeping with the challenge of at least one mile, but keeping it much lower in milage to let the body recovery a little.

May 1st, 2022

  • 80 Ounces of water. Check! 
  • Run at least one mile. Check! 

The reset week felt great. My body is feeling less stressed and more recovered. Excited for another week. Challenge is still going strong!

Running Total: 10.15 Miles

Walking Total: 14.02 Miles

Strength Workouts: 2

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