Lauren's Journal

Lauren’s Journal: New Challenge!

Today was day one of a new challenge for myself. I haven’t decided how long I was to keep this challenge going, but I am going to take it week by week.

Daily Tasks/Goals:

  • Drink at least 80 ounces of water
  • Run at least one mile
  • Check Fasting Blood Sugar Each Morning
  • Lift and Pelvic Floor Abs at least 3x per week

Today was day one. All tasks have been checked off.

Monday, April 4, 2022

  • Drank at least 80 Ounces of Water
  • Ran 2 Miles
  • Fasting Blood Sugar – 95 (working hard with diet and exercise to lower this more)
  • Quick Leg Lift and Pelvic Floor Abs
New Challenge Garmin

This challenge is more for my mental health than my physical health. I am hoping that consistency will bring back a level of fitness that I have been lacking for what feels like years. With that said, I am more so hoping to give myself time each day that is meant to just work on myself. With all the uncertainty its nice to have something to focus on, and hopefully better myself in the process.

My run felt strong today. I am still in the walk/run phase, but my paces are getting faster and feeling easier. I am ending runs with a little hope that things are clicking instead of ending them in frustration.

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