Lauren's Journal

Lauren’s Journal – Journey to Health & Happiness W1D7

Lauren’s Journal – Journey to Health & Happiness W1D7

Lauren's Journal - Journey to Health & Happiness W1D7

Today started off great! Got in a quick run. I only wanted to do one mile today to let my body recovery a little before all the moving. I did a stroller run, ran a mile out from the house and walked home. It was a great way to start the morning and the kids loved it. I will definitely keep doing more stroller runs. They are hard and there is a lot more walking involved, but it is worth it to get outside and off the treadmill!

Lauren's Journal - Journey to Health & Happiness W1D7 - Garmin Stats

The day ended stressful. Hoping tomorrow I can keep it together and bust out this move. Crossing my fingers I can sneak in a morning run before we pick up the keys!

I am so ready to dial in my nutrition and get into some real training. I had high hopes to follow my training plan throughout this move, but the goal shifted to run at least a mile a day and three basic short weight training sessions. Keep the mind from going crazy and the body from losing any fitness I was gaining. My official training plan is going to start next Monday. I am ready. Mind and soul are eager to get fast and in racing shape again!

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