Lauren's Journal

Lauren’s Journal: Exploring & Perfect Morning!


We took a much needed Friday in the mountains. We decided late Thursday night that we were going to take off to the mountains and do a little hike to catch some good views. 

The weather was finally nice enough to get outside and explore and we didn’t want to pass that up. 

It was the first time in over a year that Mason used the hiking backpack and the first time ever that Maddox went hiking. They both loved it! Maddox was screaming with excitement almost the whole time. It was so fun so watch them be so excited about seeing new things. 

Exploring! Top of Mountain.

It’s now a mission to get out and explore more. Especially since they did so well in the backpacks! There is something so amazing about watching a child seeing the wonders of the world for the first time. They were in awe of all of the views and loving being out in nature. Hiking is something we did a ton before having kids and we are finally at a point with their ages that we can throw them in the carriers and get out in nature more. I couldn’t be more excited! This weekend was a test run and they passed with flying colors!

Exploring: Top of Mountain. Baby Backpack.

Perfect Morning!

Saturday I started the day off with five miles on the treadmill. I usually make the drive to the trail in town to do my longer runs on the weekend, but I wanted to get the run done quick so we could spend the day outside as a family again. 

After my run we went into town for some coffee, breakfast, and a little walk. It was the PERFECT way to start a Saturday morning. 

Perfect Morning: Coffee with a View!

Tonight will end with drinks and dinner at a restaurant overlooking the lake and a babysitter for the first time ever. Much Needed!

Solid start to the weekend! After not seeing sun as often, I’m not sure I will ever take it for granted again! ☀️

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How is your weekend going?

Where is your favorite place to explore??

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