Lauren's Journal

Lauren’s Journal: Cross Training is Important!

Thoughts from my cycling class today. 

First. It was amazing. A good sweat with great music and Cody’s vibe… was everything I needed this morning. 

I need to make more time for cycling rides and cross training. I love running but a mix of activity is so good for not only my running but also my mental health. 

I have been pushing off cycling and instead adding more running or rest days into my training plan. My mission now is to make sure I add cycling a couple times a week! 

Don’t get me wrong. Rest days are VERY important. Probably the most important part of a training plan. However, I’ve been adding more rest days just to avoid cross training or other activities. Or even added more running days just because running sounded better than getting on the Bike. 

I need to remember that cross training is just as beneficial for my training as extra running is. If not more important.

I also really enjoy cycling. The peloton classes make it so fun, especially if you get a class with great music! They challenge me in a way I would never challenge myself.

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