Lauren's Journal

Lauren’s Journal: Best Self Challenge Day 3

Road To Best Self Challenge Day 3

Wednesday: April 6th, 2022

I am proud of myself today. We had a busy day ahead that was a little unplanned. I didn’t know when we would get home, and usually I would have just said I won’t workout today and just go with the flow for the day. Instead I woke up early to get a run in and to get in a chuck of my water intake. 

With all that said. Boxes were checked! 

  • 80 Ounces of Water. Check!
  • Run at least one mile. Check! 
  • Fasting Blood Sugar Test. Check! (99) 
Road To Best Self Challenge Day 3. Running Stats Image.

I need to work a little better on my diet to get my fasting blood sugar levels down. I would like them in the low 80s. 

So far this challenge has been a very welcomed addition to my everyday life. I am excited to keep it going. 

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