Topic Tuesday

How to Start Running

Running can change your life. I am a firm believer in this and passionate about it. I have seen it happen in my life multiple times. Most recently in the last few months. I have started a running comeback after having kids and taking time off. It has reshaped my mental health and physically I feel better and better after each week of training. 

Now that we have pushed you over the edge to get started. Here are a few tips! 

*quick note: if you feel lost on where to start, reach out and we can find something that fits your life and works for you! Reach out (via e-mail) HERE (it’s free, we are just passionate about everyone loving running!) 

  • Walk First. It’s important to understand and be realistic about where you are in your current fitness. If you are starting your fitness journey from scratch, it will be best to walk first. I would recommend that you start with 10 minutes, and build up to 30 minutes. Once you are comfortable walking 30mins at a decent pace, it’s time to start adding in running. 
  • Start in small intervals. Start small. It is not a competition in the beginning. All running journeys take time. When you are ready to push harder remember that this is a lifestyle change you are making. We want to start small to avoid injury and burnout. Small increments over time will actually get you to your goals faster, over pushing to hard, stopping and starting over. That is a cycle you don’t want to start. 
  • Go Slow. Go way slower than you think you can run. Once you add in running, slower is better to start. Your heart rate shouldn’t spike, and you shouldn’t feel overly fatigued. A good rule to follow is run at a conversational pace. Meaning you should be able to carry on a conversation during most of your run. This might be veryyyy slow at first, that’s okay!
  • If it’s boring make it fun. If you dread going out for a walk or run, it won’t be sustainable. You need to enjoy it. Make it into a game, find a new and exciting running route, try trails, listen to a new playlist or podcast. Changing things up can keep things new, fun and interesting. Also remember that every run or workout won’t be fun and amazing, but overall you should enjoy it. 
  • Find a Community or Running Buddy. Finding a local community or even a virtual one can help keep you motivated when things get hard. Check out your local running store and they should have all the information about local running meetups and local running communities in your area! If you would rather go the virtual route. Reach out HERE! and we can be running buddies!
  • Sign Up For A Race! No better way to stay motivated than with a goal of a race at the end. You can use it as the push to get out for each run. I can almost guarantee once you do your first race you will be hooked! There is just something about it that is almost magical. The runners high after a great race is next level and nothing compares. 
  • Personalize Your Journey. Find your current fitness and increase at your own speed. Couch to 5k programs are a good baseline but remember that they are customizable. Make them fit your current fitness level and life! 
  • Runners High Requirement!! Don’t quit until you get your first runners high. When you get it you will know! 

**This article could go on and on with tips. Remember that everyone’s personal journey with running is different, just as yours will be. 

Also remember that even the best professional runners have good days and bad days. Don’t quit after one bad run. It happens. Move on and try again. The runners high is worth it! 

If you need help finding a program that works for you or you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out! 

A few training plans for beginners are below, these include both lifting and running. Adding lifting while running will help decrease the risk of injury and help you improve your running faster. 


8-Week Beginner Training Plan (Lifting Workouts have Videos) HERE

12-Week Beginner Training Plan (Lifting Workouts are EMOM (Circuit) based) HERE

Pinterest Workouts HERE

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