Training Log

Four Mile Easy Run

Today called for a four mile easy run.

Is there such a thing as a pace coach? Because I need one. I know my paces and I wear a watch that tells me my pace. But I still can’t seem to run easy. I’m mad at myself for running too fast for this easy run. 

Today I did four miles. First I debated switching an active rest day to today, or even taking it completely off. I was up early with a toddler, who also appears to be getting sick. I was feeling really tired physically and mentally all afternoon. I decided since it was an easy run and the point of the run was to flush out the legs from the hard session yesterday that I should at least get in a few miles. 

Four Mile Easy Run Stats

As I said earlier, I ran too fast. The paces above are also a walk/run. I need to be better at running easy. 

I also broke into a cold sweat over the last mile. I think I am also getting sick, probably a little dehydrated and I might double up on my B12 supplement. I got a B12 shot weeks ago because my blood work came back low. I think it might have worked wonders for a short time and now it’s back down. 

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