Training Log

Five Morning Miles & Kids Race

Morning run. Check! So glad I decided to get up early and knock out the run. I ended up splitting the run, did part on the treadmill and part on the roads. I knew I wanted to get the full five miles in, and the treadmill helps me keep my pace even and in check. 2.8 miles on the treadmill and then 2.2 on the roads.

Five Morning Miles Stats
Five Morning Miles Stats

I definitely didn’t eat enough before running, which for me is the hardest part about early runs. I took a GU before but I don’t feel like it really did anything. Playing around with different quick breakfast options to see what will work best is my new goal. Afternoon runs have been feeling better because I have eaten and hydrated all day. Overall it was a solid run, and like I’ve said on repeat, I’m really enjoying this training plan! So glad I took the time to write one just for me that fits into my schedule and life! 

After my run I had time for a shower and some coffee before the kids woke up. Perfect Morning.

Kids race

We then packed up and headed to the first race of the Youth Race Series. I found this late last season and the kids loved it! They do them once each month at the local high schools around town. The kids get to do some warm-ups and then run a race on the track, distance is dependent on their age. My kids are both under 4 so they run the 200m and the parents can run along side them. It is a blast for everyone!

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