Training Log

Five Miles. Check!

Three Miles! Check! I went out on the treadmill around 8am. It was already hot and muggy at that hour. Starting to think this weather will never break. But to be honest I don’t mind it much. I just keep reminding myself that my paces will be slower but the work is still important. 

Five Miles. Check! Stats

I kept things short and slow this morning because I didn’t want to be sore or tired tomorrow. Depending on how the 5k goes tomorrow and how I’m feeling I might add an evening run to add some mileage. I’m also thinking I might just forgo the long run this week. My body has been tired and working hard I might give it a little rest this weekend and start the long runs back next week. I will determine that after the 5k tomorrow. 

I am excited for the race tomorrow. I think our plan is to run as a group, so I don’t think it will be anything crazy, but the atmosphere of being at a race is always motivating for my training. 

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