Training Log

First Interval Workout 

First Interval Workout in the books! 4×400 with 400 Recovery. 

First Interval Workout Running Stats
First Interval Workout Interval Stats

I was supposed to hit 8:20 pace. Which as you can tell was a MAJOR fail. Next week when I do this workouts, I will probably adjust the pace a little and I will force myself to hit them for at least the first couple. 

As you can tell from the splits the recovery time got longer as the reps went on. This was because the reps felt harder and I needed a walking recovery instead of a jogging recovery. 

Overall I am happy and surprised with the workout. I didn’t think I could sustain that pace yet for that long so that is a pleasant surprise. However, I am a little disappointed in myself for not sticking with the plan. Tomorrow I will probably pay the price! 

After my run I went straight into a strength workout. I decided instead of a Peloton class I would do the basic compound lifts. I did Bench Press, Deadlifts and Squats. I did 4×10, 4×8, 4×6 and 4×4. It ended up being a pretty awesome workout. 

First Interval Workout Strength Workout
Squat: 10@45, 8@45, 6@45, 4@45
Deadlift: 10@75, 8@75, 6@75, 4@75 
Bench Press: 10@45, 8@45, 6@45, 4@45

Overall I am happy with how the workout went and it felt really good to work my body like that again. It’s been way too long. It was good not only for my body but also my mind. Loved the pain. 

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