Lauren's Journal,  Training Log

Easy Two Miles and Leg Day

It was easier to get out of bed this morning! Riding that high! 

Went for an easy two miles. HR under 145. My pace is definitely slower in the morning. I think that is in part due to the fact that my heart in elevated because I am running in the dark. 

Whatever the reason. I am going to keep it up. I run with the Apple Watch right now. I know that the HR monitor on the wrist isn’t the most accurate. But I am going to use that now until I invest in a HR monitor. 

I used to run with a Garmin and I loved it. I switched to the Apple Watch because I wanted less data. I just wanted to run with some stats but nothing crazy. I also wanted cellular service with me at all times while I am out with my kids. The Apple Watch ended up being a win/win. Less data and safety. Might go back to Garmin when I am ready for a new watch. Depends where my running is!

That was a tangent. Back to Day 2. 

After my easy run I did a leg day workout. I am holding myself accountable to lifting five days a week. I know the benefits and how important it is, but I always seem to fall off the habit of doing it.

I spent the rest of the day unpacking and organizing the new house. I was moving all day and feel like I accomplished nothing. The joys of unpacking! 

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