Training Log

Easy miles are getting harder. 

We have hit the turning point in training where my former hard pace to hit is now my easy pace and it’s hard to hit again. The easy miles are getting harder.

I failed on my long run today. But I believe I failed for good reason. My body is running on empty. Little sleep, sickness and high stress. I decided that the current stress on my body was enough, it didn’t need the long run stress on top of that. Getting better at listening to my body. 

I did get out for three miles. It was supposed to be an easy run. Goal was to keep the heart rate low. I was hoping for below 140, but I kept it below 160. When I started the goal was 11:00/mile… I did not hit that goal. 

Easy miles are getting harder. 

Easy pace is getting harder to hit. Part of me is excited by that. The other part really needs to focus on running slower. If I can’t do it on the roads I will switch easy runs to the treadmill to force the slow pace. 

I’m happy with how I was able to finish this week. Wasn’t the best training but I stayed consistent. I got out the door for something even when everything was pulling for me to just take the day off. 

Hoping next week I can get back at it. 

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