
Double Trouble Delight: A Circuit Workout with Treadmill and Dumbbells

Today, we’re spicing up your workout routine with a dynamic circuit that combines the best of both worlds: the cardiovascular intensity of the treadmill and the strength-building magic of dumbbells. Get ready to break a sweat and conquer this exhilarating circuit workout!

Double Trouble Delight: A Circuit Workout with Treadmill and Dumbbells

Circuit Structure:

Start with Treadmill Intervals. Complete as Listed. Move on to Dumbbell Exercises. Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, followed by a 15-second rest. Complete the entire circuit, then rest for 1-2 minutes before starting the next round. Aim for 3-4 rounds, adjusting the intensity based on your fitness level.

Warm Up: Walk/Jog for at least 5mins. If time add in dynamic stretching

Treadmill Intervals:

Sprint: Set the treadmill to a challenging speed and sprint for 45 seconds.

Incline Walk: Increase the incline and briskly walk for 45 seconds.

Sprint: Set the treadmill to a challenging speed and sprint for 45 seconds.

Recovery Jog: Bring the speed down for a recovery jog for 45 seconds.

Dumbbell Exercises:

Goblet Squats: Hold a dumbbell close to your chest and perform deep squats.

Renegade Rows: Get into a plank position, and with a dumbbell in each hand, perform alternating rows.

Dumbbell Lunges: Holding a dumbbell in each hand, step forward into lunges.

Dumbbell Thrusters: Combine a squat and an overhead press using dumbbells.

Repeat Circuit 3-4x

Cool-Down: Walk/Jog for at least 5min. Stretch/Foam Roll if you have time!

Tips for Success:
  • Form Matters: Prioritize proper form over speed to maximize effectiveness.
  • Adjust Intensity: Modify treadmill speeds and dumbbell weights to match your fitness level.
  • Stay Hydrated: Keep water nearby to stay hydrated throughout the workout.
Why Combine Cardio and Strength?
  • Efficient Workout: Get the benefits of both cardio and strength training in a single session.
  • Calorie Burn: Boost your metabolism and burn more calories with this high-intensity circuit.
  • Total Body Engagement: Engage multiple muscle groups for a comprehensive workout.

Happy sweating!

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