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Chiropractor Week 2 Recap!

Chiropractor Week 2 Recap! I can’t believe week 2 is already in the books! Daily recaps is below. Cliff notes: Started rough, ended more positive!


I am feeling sore and uncomfortable. I had another adjustment today. My whole right side is more tight than when I started. Hoping it’s a get worse before it gets better thing.

The doctor recommend that I try and sleep with the at home wedges and rollers. 

I went for an after toddler bedtime two mile run on the treadmill. I am running only two miles still and now extra slow. The first mile felt a little rough, the second mile felt better.


I have been so tired lately and it feels like my body is fighting a constant cold. Sinus issues and a lingering cough. I’m starting to think it might be all related to the chiropractor adjustments.

Last night I made it about an hour with the wedges and rollers but couldn’t fall asleep and I gave up. Going to try again tonight! 

As the day went on I felt like I got more sore. My neck was more painful, with a few shooting pains and my jaw got more painful as the day went on. 

I was able to sneak in a two mile run during nap time. Again the first mile felt a little off, my whole body just feels different. The second mile felt a little more comfortable. My treadmill is in the garage and it actually felt nice to run with the heat, really loosen up the body and get a good sweat in. 


I’m officially frustrated. Here’s to hoping that is part of the process. If we are being honest, I went in for one simple kind of problem that was just annoying, but not painful. I now am sore all over with pain points and the annoying problem happens earlier. 

If I had to guess, this is part of the process. These are my morning thoughts. I head in for another adjustment today and I think I’m going to ask if thing are supposed to get 

this much worse before they get better. 

One great win today. I was back to the morning run! Felt amazing. Well the run felt just okay, but getting up and accomplishing something I said I was going to felt great! 

Talked with the doctor about how I have been feeling. They tell me this is normal, and things are just moving. I’m going to keep giving it some time and see how my body responds. It does seem that my body really responds because I’m feeling all the things at once. Which is painful and uncomfortable right now, but in the long run will be a very good thing. Means my body is receptive to the treatment.  


I don’t know if it’s the morning running. Ran another two miles this morning. The B12 injection from earlier in the week. Or the new thing the doctor added to treatment on Wednesday. But, I woke up feeling the best I’ve felt in a few weeks!

Run felt smooth. Still running only two miles and slow, but it felt good from the start! Love that. 

I also have energy and feeling like accomplishing something today. Riding the high in case this doesn’t last long! 


I woke up again today feeling a little better. Not as sore as I have been feeling. 

I took the day off from running this morning because I am going to start moving some boxes over to our new house and didn’t want to overdo it. 

The treatment went great and the doctor said she can feel a difference in movement. 


Spent the weekend moving. I’m surprised that I feel pretty good. I added in extra exercises for my back to make sure I wasn’t doing any damage and keeping consistent with the treatment plan! 

Moving on to Week 3!

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