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Chiropractor Week 1 Recap!

Week 1 of chiropractor work in the books. Chiropractor Week 1 Recap!

I think Thursday last week was technically appointment one, but I didn’t fully tell them I was committed to the full treatment plan. So that appointment was more of a basic adjustment.

The appointment started with an assistant showing me the warm-up exercises and establishing me as a routine client. The process at this particular office is unlike any I have been at before, but I like it. 

You start by scanning in and completing a series of four exercises to warm-up your spin. Then you see the doctor for the actual adjustment and treatment. After you lock in the appointment with some vibration therapy. I’m excited to dive into some research to see how this whole process really works. 

Chiropractor recap!


It felt like my first real appointment of the full treatment plan. I did my exercises, received my treatment, was fitted for all of my at home equipment and then did my post treatment therapy. It was all quick and easy. 

I woke up Wednesday morning feeling rough. My upper back was the most sore it’s been since 2017, and my lower back is definitely feeling all the adjustments.

Chiropractor at home equipment


I was given my at home equipment with a run down of how to use it an how often. I also confirmed that the way I’m feeling is normal. It means my body is responding good to the adjustments. 

After the appointment I was given my at home equipment, for exercises. The doctor also recommend that I start adding in more core stability work. We want to really lock in and strengthen the work being done. This have been a long time problem for me, and I really need to commit. I am going to really commit to the pelvic floor ab routine three times a week, as well as, a few other runner friendly abs after every run, per the doctors recommendation. 

I was able to do a few rounds of exercises on Wednesday. They actually felt great, and like they were doing something. Love that.

Thursday I woke up a bit sore, but in a good way. I love that even though this is involving a lot of patience, I also feel like something is happening. 

I started my new morning routine on Thursday. First water, then coffee and all the exercises. I’m going to start back morning runs next week and core work too. Excited about a little routine. Now if my toddlers could understand that and cooperate that would be great! Ha! 


Last appointment of the week was Friday morning. This was a more seamless appointment because everything was already done! 

Today was the third doctor I have seen. I’m not sure if I like that or not, but I am getting different perspectives which is nice. 

If we are being honest. I’m in between optimistic and discourages. I think that has a lot to do with I like instant gratification and I’m still sore and almost seem worse than when I started. 

I’m still holding at no more than two miles at a time. I think I’m going to start adding in some speed and distance next week. I want to make sure the treatment works in conjunction with my training. I don’t want to shut it down for too long go through all of this just to be back in the same spot when I increase pace and distance. 

I will share these feelings on Monday with the doctor and get their opinion. The problem with seeing multiple doctors is it’s hard to adjust training each visit, I think that will be something I need to gauge on my own and really listen to my body. 

Excited about week 2! 

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