
Bodyweight EMOM for Runners

Bodyweight EMOM for Runners. Another 10min after run EMOM circuit style workout. Give this workout a try after your next run. If you have more time, add a few extra rounds. I decided on another short style after run EMOM, because these are the workouts I’m going right now. Short, simple Bodyweight workouts.

Strength training for runners is extremely important. Most importantly it helps with reducing the risk of injury. Even 10mins twice a week will result in benefits! 


  1. Start a Timer (See Link Above, Use Stopwatch, or download phone app)
  2. Complete minute 1 Exercise, then rest until the minute is over. 
  3. At minute 2, complete minute 2 exercise and then rest until the minute is over. 
  4. Repeat the same until all exercises are complete. 
  5. Repeat the entire workout for as many rounds as specified.
EMOM for Runners

If you give it a try, let us know! I’m

More EMOMs Here! (Great Add-Ons After Y Runs! Can fit to the amount of time you have. Even one round is better than nothing!)

More Workouts Here

Pinterest HERE

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