Training Log

Bike Bootcamp & Core! 

We all got a full night sleep in our house last night. Finally!!! I feel like a new person! 

Spent the morning at the NASA Space Center. They have a fun play area for the kids to run around. Wore them out enough for a double nap on the way home! Win! 

We spent the afternoon playing at my parents house and rushed home before the storm. 

Decided on a 45min Bike Bootcamp Peloton class followed by 5min Core for Runners. It was a perfect combination. My core is definitely getting stronger and I can tell it’s really helping my running! 

Bike bootcamp and core stats
Bike bootcamp

I changed over to heavier weights today. Baby steps are being made! I only have adjustable dumbbells so it’s either one weight or the other, not the option of light, medium, heavy weights. But I’m working with what I have. 

Core workout stats

Running right now is my main focus, but once I get a good base, probably after this training plan. I will write an actual lifting plan along with running to get stronger and faster.

Until then these peloton Bootcamp classes are a perfect way to mix cross training with strength training. (I am going to write my own bootcamp style workouts soon, there are some things I would love to change up, but having the instructor and not thinking about it at all, is working for this phase of my training.)

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