Lauren's Journal

Back at it!

Postpartum has been a wild ride. I’ve definitely had way more of a emotionally rollercoaster this time around than I did the first time. Add that with two kids under two and some traveling. Both nutrition and fitness have been hit or miss. Fitness has been better than nutrition but still spotty. I’m ready to commit to finally putting myself first and getting back into shape for both my mental and physical health. I had gestational diabetes with both of my pregnancies and it’s important to me to fix my diet and exercise routine to help fight the odds of developing type 2 diabetes. My boys are also getting so fast and I want to keep up!

I spent most of April in Florida and along with the wonderful sunshine and being mostly unplugged, I also did a lot more walking and running outside. Let me just tell you. It was good for the sole! I have been back for a little while now…. and that has come with minimal movement and time outside. Mostly do to weather. I need to make a better promise to myself and my kids that we will get outside more. More walks, more runs, more just playing outside. This should be way easier now that the weather is getting better. But I did come home to snow, and wow did I let it bring me down! (But snow at the end of April, that brings everyone down… right?).

I have learned that weather directly impacts my mood. I knew that it semi-impacted it before, but after moving back to the northeast I have noticed it so much more. I need to figure out a way to not let it impact my mood as much! It’s exhausting!

I am a morning workout person. I love it. I thrive. It sets me up for a great day. But I have two boys that wake up at unpredictable times, and usually it’s between 5:45-6am. We are working on that! I set my alarm and get up when I can, but sometimes the boys or sleep win.

On days that I can’t get a morning workout in, I have started working out in the living room mid-morning while the boys played. It’s fun to watch how interested they are, and I realized it’s important for them to see and join in! I plan to do this on days I can’t get the morning workout in. Being able to do strength work during the day, opens up time at night to do a quick run or bike ride, if I am feeling it. Not the ideal workout schedule but for this phase of life its working. Balance.

I am back to documenting my journey!

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