Training Log

Are Running Streaks Good or Bad?

I ask myself this question often. Are Streaks Good or Bad. Mostly in reference to fitness. 

I’ve tried running streaks in the past (see HERE). They always tend to lead to burn out and taking too much time off and starting from scratch again weeks or months later. 

Most recently I got an Apple Watch. I switched from my Garmin because I wanted the ability to leave with my kids and not carry my phone but still feel like I could call for help. I also made the switch because I was becoming to hyper focused on stats and needed a break. 

Running Streak
Apple Watch Move Streak (Also included a streak of at least 30mins of exercise everyday)

Fast forward 88 days later and I’m sick in bed, sad that my streak of closing all my rings is ending! It was literally all I could think about after my terrible stomach pain. 

Which leads me back to the question, are streaks good or bad. Leading up until today I didn’t think it was that bad. My goals were attainable with simple activity. A basic 30min walk and daily movement allowed me to close the rings. On days when I wanted to be lazy, I did make an effort to go on at least a slow 30min walk to keep the streak alive. However fast forward to today. I’m disappointed that is where my mind went. After looking back I’m glad the streak is broken. 

If closing circles on a ring is taking more brain power than getting better from a stomach bug. That is toxic energy. 

I think moving forward I am going to up my goals to hit, and hit them on just workout days. No more striving for perfection. I’m going to strive to listen to my body and train in the smartest way possible. 

All that to say. I guess they can be good and bad. It was good because it was getting me moving and making me mindful of movement. It turned bad when it became an obsession and all I thought about during the day. If you can keep it light hearted then it has the power to impact your life in a positive manner. I’m not sure that is possible for me, or the general population if I’m being totally honest. 

What do you think? Are streaks good or bad? Have you done one? 

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