Training Log

6×400 Speed Work!

Another successful speed workout! I did it on the treadmill to make sure my paces stayed consistent. That method is working for me right now. I am hoping that it translates to being able to hold pace on the roads! 

I did a one mile warm-up at 10:54 pace. I then did 6×400 with 400 recovery. I did the first five 400s at 7:41 pace and the last one at 7:30 pace. The recovery was a .1 walk .2 at 10min pace and .1 at 9min pace. I wanted the recovery to be a little faster than that, but that’s where I was at today. It still turned out to be a great workout. I actually felt like I could have done a few more. Which means I should have jogged a little faster during the recovery. Overall I am happy with the workout and the effort! 

6x400 Speed work
Treadmill Stats

My paces are coming down slower than I was expecting, but even the smallest progress is encouraging. I will say I skipped a decent amount of workouts because of life and mom duties at the beginning of this training cycle. I have started making it more a priority to get the speed work in and it is paying off quicker. Which should be obvious! Ha! But still fun to make progress. 

I have a tempo run on Thursday and will probably add a few pick-ups in my long run over the weekend. Everything else will be nice and easy.

Recovery also needs to start making more of a priority. I just get lazy. One thing I have added in is protein shakes after my runs or any workout. Game changer for me! 

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